We’re here to help.

We've been on the scene for years, but now we’re here to fill the gap when you're out of warranty and the manufacturer has left you hanging!

RepRapPro Mendel Mono (2015)

LA3DPR Prusa Farm (2021)

Our Story

We've been contributing to the RepRap movement since mid-2015 when we scored a broken RepRap Pro Mendel Mono on Craigslist for $400, back then you couldn’t just snag a 3D Printer at Fry's.

Since then we upgraded and rebuilt our "Momma" Mendel several times, printing our second Mendel-style printer named "Auntie" who's original incarnation sadly melted in the car waiting to get shown off at a local LUG; we then rebuilt it and it was a workhorse printer in our shop until mid-2019 when we started ramping up our in-house Prusa farm.

We paid the bills with IT consulting for the decade prior but noticed in the summer of 2018 that there was really no independent resource offering 3D printer support, even though you could basically go down to the corner big-box electronics joint and get one.

We also realized that even the manufacturers that do support their printers can only provide limited assistance - usually from thousands of miles away - shipping parts that may be challenging to install, often with no documentation.

So here we are, promoting the promise of replicating machines and at your service: on a mission fixing, tuning, and building 3D printers to get them working for you!